Unscripted Week 3: The Power of Prayer

Unscripted Week 3 discusses the attributes of audacious prayer and draws lessons from the life of Elijah. Elijah is remembered for his bold and audacious prayers, his attentive listening to God, his active partnership with God, and his resilience in prayer. The passage encourages individuals to pray boldly, listen attentively to God, position themselves as partners with God, and remain resilient in their prayers. This sermon encourages praying for things beyond one's capacity. Elijah's prayers were notable because they were bold and audacious, reflecting his faith in God's power to answer them. The passage also highlights the importance of listening attentively to God, seeking His guidance, and being open to His voice in various ways. Additionally, the passage encourages individuals to position themselves as partners with God by taking action in alignment with their prayers. Just as Elijah took specific actions in partnership with God, such as anointing with oil or sending his servant to check for rain, individuals are encouraged to do what they can while trusting God to do what they cannot. Finally, the passage emphasizes the need for resilience in prayer. Elijah did not give up when the answer to his prayer did not come immediately. He persisted and continued to pray, even in the face of silence and apparent delay. Be encouraged to remain resilient and trust in God's timing and faithfulness. Overall, the passage emphasizes the power and impact of audacious prayer and encourages individuals to cultivate a prayer life characterized by boldness, attentiveness, partnership with God, and resilience.


Unscripted Week 4: One Is the Loneliest Number


Unscripted Week 2: Fish or Cut Bait